Sports Reference Blog

P-F-R Position Abbreviation Glossary

Posted by Neil on October 1, 2013

We often get emails about some of the more... let's say "esoteric" positional abbreviations in the P-F-R database (the most confusing of which date back to the earliest days of professional football). Here's a handy guide in case you ever get stuck wondering what in the world some of these positions are:

| Abbreviation |         Position         |                   Notes                    |
| B            | Back                     | Modern RB                                  |
| BB           | Blocking Back            | Single-wing RB designation                 |
| BLB          | Buck Linebacker          | Strong-side ILB in Dom Capers system       |
| C            | Center                   |                                            |
| CB           | Cornerback               |                                            |
| D            | Defender                 | Used for DE/3-4 OLB combos                 |
| DB           | Defensive Back           |                                            |
| DE           | Defensive End            |                                            |
| DG           | Defensive Guard          | Used in one-platoon era                    |
| DL           | Defensive Lineman        |                                            |
| DT           | Defensive Tackle         |                                            |
| E            | End                      | Modern WR; used in one-platoon era         |
| END          | Defensive End            | Used for DE/3-4 OLB combos                 |
| F            | Fullback                 |                                            |
| FB           | Fullback                 |                                            |
| FL           | Flanker                  | Modern WR                                  |
| FS           | Free Safety              |                                            |
| FSW          | Weakside Safety          | Another term for Free Safety               |
| G            | Guard                    |                                            |
| GT           | Guard/Tackle             |                                            |
| H            | Halfback                 |                                            |
| HB           | Halfback                 |                                            |
| HR           | Halfback/Running Back    |                                            |
| ILB          | Inside Linebacker        |                                            |
| JLB          | Joker/Jack Linebacker    | Used for DE/3-4 OLB (pure pass-rushers)    |
| K            | Placekicker              |                                            |
| KR           | Kick Returner            |                                            |
| L            | Linebacker               |                                            |
| LB           | Linebacker               |                                            |
| LCB          | Left Cornerback          |                                            |
| LDE          | Left Defensive End       |                                            |
| LDH          | Left Defensive Halfback  | Modern Left Cornerback                     |
| LDT          | Left Defensive Tackle    | Used in 4-3 defenses                       |
| LE           | Left End                 | Modern WR; used in one-platoon era         |
| LEO          | Leo Defensive End        | Pure pass-rusher in Gus Bradley system     |
| LG           | Left Guard               |                                            |
| LH           | Left Halfback            | Single-wing RB designation                 |
| LILB         | Left Inside LB           | Used in 3-4 defenses                       |
| LLB          | Left Linebacker          | Used in 4-3 defenses                       |
| LOLB         | Left Outside LB          | Used in 3-4 defenses                       |
| LOT          | Left Offensive Tackle    |                                            |
| LS           | Left Safety              | NOT "long-snapper"                         |
| LT           | Left Tackle              |                                            |
| MG           | Middle Guard             | Used in 5-2 defenses                       |
| MIKE         | "Mike" Linebacker        | Another term for Middle Linebacker         |
| MLB          | Middle Linebacker        | Used in 4-3 defenses                       |
| MO           | Mo Linebacker            | Weakside ILB in Wade Phillips system       |
| NB           | Nickel Back              | Fifth defensive back                       |
| NDB          | Nickel DB                | Fifth defensive back                       |
| NT           | Nose Tackle              | Used in 3-4 defenses                       |
| O            | Offensive Lineman        |                                            |
| OC           | Offensive Center         |                                            |
| OG           | Offensive Guard          |                                            |
| OL           | Offensive Lineman        |                                            |
| OLB          | Outside Linebacker       |                                            |
| OT           | Offensive Tackle         |                                            |
| OW           | Offensive Weapon         | Denard Robinson designation (discontinued) |
| P            | Punter                   |                                            |
| PK           | Placekicker              |                                            |
| PR           | Punt Returner            |                                            |
| Q            | Quarterback              |                                            |
| QB           | Quarterback              |                                            |
| R            | Running Back             |                                            |
| RB           | Running Back             |                                            |
| RCB          | Right Cornerback         |                                            |
| RDE          | Right Defensive End      |                                            |
| RDH          | Right Defensive Halfback | Modern Right Cornerback                    |
| RDT          | Right Defensive Tackle   | Used in 4-3 defenses                       |
| RE           | Right End                | Modern WR; used in one-platoon era         |
| RG           | Right Guard              |                                            |
| RH           | Right Halfback           | Single-wing RB designation                 |
| RILB         | Right Inside LB          | Used in 3-4 defenses                       |
| RLB          | Right Linebacker         | Used in 4-3 defenses                       |
| ROLB         | Right Outside LB         | Used in 3-4 defenses                       |
| ROT          | Right Offensive Tackle   |                                            |
| RS           | Right Safety             |                                            |
| RT           | Right Tackle             |                                            |
| RUSH         | Pass-Rusher              | Used for DE/3-4 OLB (pure edge-rushers)    |
| S            | Safety                   |                                            |
| SAM          | "Sam" Linebacker         | Another term for 4-3 Strongside LB         |
| SE           | Split End                | Modern WR                                  |
| SLB          | Strong-Side Linebacker   |                                            |
| SS           | Strong Safety            |                                            |
| T            | Tackle                   |                                            |
| TB           | Tailback                 | Often used in single-wing offense          |
| TE           | Tight End                |                                            |
| UT           | Under Tackle             | 3-Technique DT in 4-3 defense              |
| W            | Wildcat Quarterback      |                                            |
| WB           | Wingback                 | Single-wing RB designation                 |
| WIL          | "Will" Linebacker        | Another term for 4-3 Weakside LB           |
| WILL         | "Will" Linebacker        | Another term for 4-3 Weakside LB           |
| WLB          | Weak-Side Linebacker     |                                            |
| WR           | Wide Receiver            |                                            |

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