Sports Reference Blog

Rookie Filter Added to NBA Daily Stats Table

Posted by Mike Lynch on November 4, 2016

Every day during the season, we publish a sortable table showing the box score stats for every player who played the previous day. This table goes all the way back to November 1, 1946, the first day of the BAA (which merged with the NBL three years later to form the NBA). This table can easily be navigated to from our homepage by clicking "See all of yesterday's players" underneath the "Yesterday's Top Performers" table.

We've recently added a feature to this table, which allows users to isolate the rookies, by clicking "Show All Rookies" atop the table. This option will allow you to easily view and compare all of the rookies who played the previous day. This could come in handy for figuring out who will come in second in the Rookie of the Year race to Joel Embiid.

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